Butter, by Asako Yusuki review: On Food, Desire, and Community
So, yes, Butter is worth the hype – but also, no, it isn’t, because the hype should be framed in entirely different terms.
Foster, by Claire Keegan review: A Quiet Masterpiece on Grief and Family
Foster was my first contact with Claire Keegan and the work that made me fall in love with her writing. I recently revisited it and felt compelled to…
Want, by Gillian Anderson and Anonymous Review: Desire, Discourse, and Dissonance
Some readers will feel seen when realising their own fantasies are shared by others. And to promote that kind of connection and self-awareness is the only thing Want…
Prophet Song, by Paul Lynch review: Dystopian Alternate Realities
Paul Lynch has described his novel as “an attempt at radical empathy”. He does that by recreating in a developed, Western country, the kind of sense of impermanence…
Gliff (2024), by Ali Smith Review: On Horses and Words
The meanings of “gliff” encapsulate its characters and its plot in an unfolding that never ends. Gliff was the novel of the year for me, an absolute marvel…
The Other Bennet Sister, by Janice Hadlow: A Review
With a series of new Austenian adaptations being announced in the months leading up to Jane Austen’s 250th birthday, I decided it was time to read The Other…